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Marketing your Humanities Degree in 2024

I'll never forget a conversation I had during my college days when I worked as a tour guide at the Texas Capitol. When I told a visitor that I was studying history, she commented that it must be a great field for personal pleasure. It was a common misconception that often frustrated me. While the study of the humanities has a rich history spanning thousands of years, many people perceive humanities degrees as having limited value unless directly applicable to a specific job.

In my case, I frequently encountered questions about whether I intended to become a teacher. Initially, I did envision a career in academia, which aligned with my college journey. However, something changed in my senior year, and I decided to shift gears toward business. After 16 years of schooling, I needed a break from continuous studying.

At first, my motivation for pursuing business was primarily financial. I had student loans to repay, and financial stability was a top priority. However, over time, I discovered a deep passion for the creativity that fuels business growth.

Marketing my humanities degree felt like a daunting task initially. Yet, I eventually recognized the direct correlation between humanities and business. Business, like the study of humanities, evolves dynamically. Humanities equips you with the ability to think strategically and creatively, which are critical skills in the business world.

The challenge was translating my academic experiences, including internships at museums, into a competitive edge in the business realm. My journey into the business world was not without its difficulties, but it taught me valuable lessons:

  • Don't apologize for your humanities degree during interviews. Be proud of it and emphasize your transferable skills, such as communication, analysis, and writing.

  • Seek internships and work experience. If interning isn't possible, aim for positions in office environments to demonstrate your familiarity with the professional world.

  • Network extensively. Meeting with managers and understanding the hiring process at companies where I interned proved invaluable when seeking full-time roles.

  • Practice interview skills and familiarize yourself with best practices. Beyond the initial resume screening, interviews are where you truly shine. Prepare for common questions like "Where do you see yourself in five years?"

  • Invest time in crafting an effective resume. Quantify your achievements for every job, and consider leveraging AI tools like EarnBetter to optimize your resume's wording.

  • Take a few business courses. While a business degree isn't necessary, taking relevant courses demonstrates your interest and helps you speak the language of business.

Embrace the humanities. In a time of profound societal change, humanities degrees remain timeless assets in the business world. Incorporating these lessons, I navigated my path from humanities to a successful career in business. It's a journey that underscores the enduring value of a humanities education in today's ever evolving professional landscape.

Surreal picture of the Humanities
Surreal Picture of the Study of Humanities


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